The killings of people with albinism which were somehow controlled
by the authority have resurfaced in the Lake Zone forcing parents and
guardians of children with albinism to take them to the centres for safe
This in turn has negatively impacted on the management of the some
of centres which are now overwhelmed by the number of such children.
The head of Buhangija centre Peter Ajali told reporters that the
increase of children at the centre had affected the availability of food
and accommodation because the number is higher than the capacity of the
centre to accommodate them.
Ajali said due to the increase which is almost 50 per cent three
children are forced to share a bed, while at times some go without
He said many of the children come from Tabora, Mwanza, Geita,
Simiyu, Mara and Shinyanga regions, notoriously renowned for the
killings of people with albinism on superstitious beliefs.
Ajali called on Good Samaritans to assist the centre get supplies
food and accommodation to save the lives of children with albinism who
are staying at the centre. He also called on parents and guardians of
children with albinism who are taking refuge in the centre to regularly
pay them a visit to know the challenges facing the children.
“Some parents and guardians just dump their children at the centre
and never come back to visit them. They leave everything to the centre
which is however, cash stripped and depends on donations,” he said.
Special Seats Councilor, Siri Yasini said children at the centre
are living in a very difficult and unhygienic environment which can
easily expose them to diseases.
Assistant Mayor of the Shinyanga Municipal Council David Nkulila
called on other regional administrators to assist the centre get the
necessary needs for the children instead of leaving everything to the
Shinyanga Municipal Council alone.
Beatrice Lema, a girl with albinism from Tabora who is being cared
at the centre appealed to parents and guardians to visit them regularly
and experience the hardships they are going through because of financial
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