Mkurugenzi wa fedha wa benki ya Standard Chartered duniani Bw, AndyHalford akizungumza jambo kwenye mkutano wa mafunzo ya elimu ya uchumi. kushoto ni bw. Bernard Dadi Mkurugenzi wa mifumo wa malipo ya taifa wa benki kuu ya Tanzania (BoT) na kulia ni Bi. Irene Madeje Mkurugenzi washughuli mbalimbali katika sekta ya kifedha ya Deepening Trust.
Wakifuatilia kwa ukaribu mafunzo yanayofanyika kutoka kushoto ni Rayson Foya Mkuu wa kitengo cha fedha wa Standard Chartered bank tanzania, Kariuki Ngari Mkurugenzi mtendaji wa benki Standard Chartered Afrika Mashariki, Sanjay Rughani Mkurugenzi mtendaji wa benki ya Standard Chartered Tanzania, Bernard Dadi Mkurugenzi wa mifumo wa malipo ya taifa wa benki kuu ya Tanzania (BoT), Mkurugenzi wa fedha wa benki Standard Chartered duniani Bw, Andy Halford na bi. Irene Madeje Mkurugenzi wa shughuli mbalimbali katika sekta ya kifedha ya Deepening Trust.
Sarah Zacharia (19yrs) akizungumza jinsi alivyonufaika na mradi wa Goal initiativa ulioanzishwa na benki ya Standard Chartered kwa ajili ya kuwasaidia wasichana/mabinti. Sarah yupo katika klabu ya Ali Mbowa iliyopo Temeke akijifunza kutengeneza mazulia kwa kutumia uzi na kwa sasa anafanya biashara hiyo inayomsaidia kupata kipato.
Vijana na wanafunzi kutoka vyuo, shule na taasisi mbalimbali
wakifuatilia mafunzo kuhusu elimu ya uchumi yanatolewa na watu na wadau mbalimbali kutoka benki ya Standard Chartered. Mkutano huo ulifanyika katika ukumbi wa Mwalimu Julius nyerere jijini Dar es salaam.
Mkurugenzi mtendaji wa Benki ya Standard Chartered Tanzania,Sanjay Rughani, akizungumza na vijana pamoja na watu mbalimbali waliofika katika mkutano/ mafunzo kuhusu elimu ya uchumi (financial education) uliofanyika katika ukumbi wa julius nyerere Dar es salaam.
Mkutano ukiendelea.
Standard Chartered Bank today launched its new community investment approach called Futuremakers by Standard Chartered. The initiative focuses on helping the next generation learn, earn and grow. The launch of Futuremakers by Standard Chartered was with a focus on Financial Education.
The launch of Futuremakers by Standard Chartered is a result of the Bank’s development of its community strategy to be more responsive to the changing social and economic needs across its markets around social and economic inequality and the limited opportunities for young people.
For the past 17 years in Tanzania, the Bank has been investing on areas of Youth, Health and Education. The Bank has been championing tackling avoidable blindness and visual impairment – through its programme, Seeing is Believing. Last year, the Bank achieved its global target of raising USD 100 Million towards Seeing is Believing, two years ahead of target.
“Seeing is Believing has reached more than 176 million people through 193 projects across 37 countries. The initiative has changed the lives of millions of individuals and families, making it easier for many to return to education and work. As a result, this has boosted local economies and strengthened communities” said, Mr. Andy Halford, the Bank’s Group Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. Andy said that, “according to the International Labour Organization, globally, more than 200 million young people are either unemployed, or they have jobs, but continue to live in poverty due to low income. At Standard Chartered Bank we believe everyone should have access to opportunities to realize his or her full potential and believe that we can make a difference in promoting greater economic inclusion in our markets”.
Speaking at the launch event, the Bank’s newly appointed East Africa CEO, Kariuki Ngari. said, that, “the launched Financial Education program plays a big role in enabling us achieve the goal of promoting equality and enabling youths achieve their full potential. In this regard, the Futuremakers builds on the success of our existing community programmes. We will, therefore, continue to incorporate financial education into all programmes. We will also expand GOAL, our existing girls’ education programme, and we will develop new global community programmes in employability and entrepreneurship.”
The Chief Executive Officer, Sanjay Rughani said that, “we want to use the unique skills of the Bank, and of our employees, to share skills and build the capacity of young people to access jobs and economic opportunities that will help close the inequality gap.”
The launch event was also attended by Irene Madeje, Director of Operations from the Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT). Irene elaborated on the role of FSDT in supporting underserved individuals, households and enterprises, by offering them capacities and opportunities to improve their lives.
The event was officiated by the Director of the National Payment System from the Bank of Tanzania, Mr. Bernard Dadi who commended Standard Chartered Bank for developing and launching the Financial Education program as it will help close the inequality gap in our communities.
The launch of Futuremakers by Standard Chartered Bank fully aligns with the Bank’s purpose to drive commerce and prosperity through its unique diversity and reinforces its promise to be Here for Good.
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