The African Union Advisory Board Against Corruption (AUABAC) says the noble role of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) as it relates to the ongoing fight against corruption in Africa is vital.

“The importance of PAP as one of the major key stakeholders in the fight against corruption cannot be over-emphasised,” said Mrs. Charity Nchimunya, Executive Secretary at the Advisory Board on Corruption (AUABC) during a presentation to the PAP Committee on Audit and Public Accounts (CAPA) of the PAP.

“The importance of PAP as one of the major key stakeholders in the fight against corruption cannot be over-emphasized. PAP plays a pivotal role in the ongoing fight against corruption in the Continent. We must all bear in mind that the PAP represents all the people of Africa and pursues the objective of facilitating the effective implementation of the policies and objectives of the AU as well as promoting the principles of human rights and democracy in Africa.”

Titled “The Role of PAP in Promoting Transparency and Accountability and Fighting Corruption within the Continent”, the presentation transpired at the ongoing Sitting of the Permanent Committees, which are being held under the African Union Theme of the Year for 2023, “The Year of AFCFTA: Accelerating the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area”.

Mrs. Nchimunya encouraged the African legislators to promote and strengthen the development of mechanisms to prevent, detect, punish, and eradicate corruption in both the Public and Private sectors.

“We always seek that as parliamentarians you promote, facilitate and regulate cooperation among the State Parties to prevent, detect, punish and eradicate corruption. You need to coordinate and harmonise policies and legislation between State Parties for purposes of prevention, detection punishment and eradication of corruption,” she added.

She further mentioned that for growth to be experienced in the continent, African legislators must as well promote socio-economic development by removing obstacles to development and foster transparency and accountability in the management of public affairs.

Mrs. Nchimunya also believes that for the fight against corruption to be won, PAP must lobby and involve the African citizenry.

“We need a collective effort to win this battle against corruption. PAP members must go out and encourage citizens’ confidence in the fight against corruption and try to protect whistle-blowers and informants. We need also to promote public awareness and education; create a conducive environment for participation of CSOs and Media, promotion of ethics,” she said calling for effective public management systems like auditing, accounting, hiring, procurement, customs and revenue etc.

Commenting on the presentation, CAPA Chairperson Hon. Miles Sampa from Zambia mentioned that corruption must be tackled at all levels and spheres.

“The challenge is not only about corrupt individuals, but those who assist them in keeping their loot. We have banks in Europe, America, the Middle East and Asia that are accomplices of corrupt African people. If we are to fight and win this war, we need to take this war to the people who work hand in hand with corrupt individuals. Let us destroy these havens where our looted monies and resources are kept. Then we will never have people who choose a corrupt path as they will not have anywhere to hide their loot,” added Hon. Sampa.

Hon. Ng’wasi Kamani from Tanzania encouraged the empowerment of the African Court if corruption is to be defeated.

“As a continent, we need to capacitate the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights. We are not doing much to realise the role and importance of our court. Our continental court must be given more powers to act over mere talking. We also need other AU organs to be empowered to act decisively as opposed to their current advisory roles,” she emphasized.


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