Makamu wa Rais wa Pili wa Bunge la Afrika (Pan African Parliament - PAP) Mhe. Dkt. Ashebiri Gayo kutoka Ethiopia akizungumza leo Jumatano Machi 15,2023 wakati anafungua
Warsha ya Pamoja juu ya nafasi ya dawa za asili (Traditional medicine) katika mifumo ya afya ya Afrika iliyoshirikisha Wabunge wa Bunge la Afrika na Wadau mbalimbali wa afya katika Ukumbi wa Bunge la Afrika, Mdrand Afrika Kusini.
Dkt. Gayo amesema suala la dawa za asili linagusa uchumi hivyo kuna uhitaji mkubwa wa kukuza dawa za asili ili kuwezesha kuunganishwa kwake katika mifumo ya afya barani Afrika huku akiliomba Shirika la Afya Duniani (WHO) kushirikiana na Afrika pindi wanapogundua dawa  kwa matumizi mbalimbali badala ya kuweka vikwazo.

"Tunataka kukuza tiba asilia katika nchi zetu za Afrika ili kuchangia katika kuboresha huduma ya afya ya watu wetu lakini pia kuhakikisha nafasi ya dawa za asili katika mifumo ya afya inatambuliwa. Tunataka pia kuhakikisha dawa za asili zinaboreshwa kisasa lakini pia Sheria zinaimarishwa ili kudhibiti utafiti katika dawa za asili",amesema Dkt. Gayo.

Nao washiriki wa warsha hiyo wamesema WaAfrika wanatakiwa kuzipa kipaumbele dawa za asili na kuondokana na mitazamo hasi kwamba kutumia dawa za asili ni ushamba/uchawi/zimepitwa na wakati wakibainisha kuwa hata wakati wa janga na Covid - 19 dawa za asili zimesaidia sana kutibu afya za watu lakini pia dawa hizo zimekuwa zikitumiwa na mababu zetu hivyo ni vyema utamaduni ukaenziwa kwa kuwekewa nguvu zaidi pia kwenye Idara za Afya/Wizara za Afya katika nchi.

Aidha wameshauri Serikali za nchi za Afrika kuongeza Bajeti kwenye eneo la Tiba Asili kwani tiba asilia ni nzuri na ina gharama nafuu.
Makamu wa Rais wa Pili wa Bunge la Afrika (Pan African Parliament - PAP) Mhe. Dkt. Ashebiri Gayo kutoka Ethiopia akizungumza leo Jumatano Machi 15,2023 wakati anafungua
Warsha ya Pamoja juu ya nafasi ya dawa za asili (Traditional medicine) katika mifumo ya afya ya Afrika. Picha na Kadama Malunde - Malunde 1 blog
Makamu wa Rais wa Pili wa Bunge la Afrika (Pan African Parliament - PAP) Mhe. Dkt. Ashebiri Gayo kutoka Ethiopia akizungumza leo Jumatano Machi 15,2023 wakati anafungua
Warsha ya Pamoja juu ya nafasi ya dawa za asili (Traditional medicine) katika mifumo ya afya ya Afrika
Dkt. Georges Ki Zerbo kutoka WHO akiwasilisha mada wakati wa warsha hiyo
Mtaalamu wa Tiba Asili  Rene Munya kutoka Afya Health Products (M- Power & Moringa) akiwasilisha mada wakati wa warsha hiyo

The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) is stepping up parliamentary campaigns on traditional medicine to facilitate its integration into health systems in Africa.

This came out during the PAP Committees’ Joint Workshop on the Place of Traditional Medicine in Africa’s Health Systems, held during the sitting of the Permanent Committees of the sixth Parliament of PAP currently happening in Midrand, South Africa under the AU theme for 2023, “Accelerating the implementation of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)”

In attendance were Committee on Health, Labour and Social Affairs, Committee on Gender, Family, Youth and People with Disabilities, Committee on Rural Economy, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, and Committee on Education, Culture, Tourism and Human Resources.

The main objective of the workshop was to sensitise participants on the need to develop traditional medicine to facilitate its integration into health systems in Africa.

“We need to intensify parliamentary advocacy on traditional medicine to establish a comprehensive legal framework for continental herbal trade, and to promote the establishment or strengthening of national and regional research centres to support the development of traditional medicine towards its integration in African Health Systems,” said the 2nd Vice President Hon. Dr Ashebiri Gayo while giving an opening speech of the workshop.

He also acknowledged the importance of traditional medicine and believes that its high time it is accorded its rightful status in the world.

“Traditional medicine, according to academics, is the primary source of healthcare for almost 80% of the population in poor countries. However, unlike Chinese medicine, African Traditional Medicine does not have the same status of being allowed and accepted in the world, which is the challenge we face. Nevertheless, this should be a thing of the past, as it is time for traditional medicine to reclaim its rightful place in the medical fraternity,” said Hon. Dr Gayo.

Hon Jean Patrice France Quirin, Chairperson of the Committee on Health, Labour, and Social Affairs, feels that developing Model Law surrounding traditional medicine will go a long way toward supporting the integration of traditional medicine into Health Systems.

“We need to initiate the development of a Model Law on the integration of Traditional Medicine into Health Systems that will harmonize the strategies of AU Member States through the PAP Committee on Health, Labour and Social Affairs,” he said.

He also discussed how Climate Change is threatening the development of traditional medicine by threatening biodiversity.

“We need to support the development of a Model Law on Climate Change by the PAP Committee on Rural Economy to guide AU Member States to build a collective climate resilience to ensure climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to deliver on Nationally Determined Contributions to achieve greater greenhouse gas emission reductions and ensure an effective planning, implementation, and financing of climate change efforts both at the national and regional levels,” said Hon. Quirin.


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