Uwepo wa sheria madhubuti, inayoipa uwezo Mamlaka ya Kuzuia Rushwa na Uhujumu Uchumi Zanzibar (ZAECA) kuchunguza na kupeleleza makosa yote ya rushwa ikiwemo ya ruhwa ya ngono kwa tasisi za serikali na zisizo za kiserikali na kutoa ulinzi wa kutosha kwa shahidi na anaetoa tarifa zidi ya makosa hayo kutasaidia kuripoti makosa hayo katika chombo hicho.

Hayo yalizungumzwa katika kikao maalum cha ZAECA, Jumuiya ya Wanasheria Wanawake Zanzibar (ZAFELA) na Chama cha Waandishi wa Habari Wanawake Tanzania, Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ). 

Mkurugenzi Idara ya Kinga wa ZAECA ndugu Bakar Hassan amesema sheria hiyo ya Kuzuia Rushwa na Uhujumu Uchumi Zanzibar, Sheria Na. 5 ya mwaka 2023, katika kifungu cha 52 cha Sheria hiyo kinapinga rushwa ya ngono kwa ajili ya kupata huduma au kutotoa huduma na ni kosa kwa kumujibu wa sheria hiyo na adhabu yake ni kifungo kwa kipindi kisichopungua miaka saba lakini kisichozidi miaka kumi pamoja na faini isiyopungua Shilingi Milioni kumi na Tano za Kitanzania lakini isiyozidi Milioni Ishirini za Kitanzania.

Aidha, mkurugenzi huyo amesema,  ZAECA  imejipanga  kutoa   elimu ili  sharia hiyo iweze kujulikana na wananchi waelewe kabisa kama ZAECA ina mamlaka makubwa sasahivi kushughulikia kesi hizo katika usiri mkubwa ambapo sheria pia imetoa adhabu hadi kwa maafisa ambao  watakwenda kinyume na maadili ya kazi yao.

Mkurugenzi   Hassan  alinukuu  kifungu   cha  52-(1) kuwa “Mtu  ambae  kwa  namna yeyote  atashawishi, atakubali au  ataahidi  kufanya   ngono au atamfanya   mtu mwengine akubali  au  aahidi  kufanya ngono  kwa ajili   ya  kupata  huduma au  kutotoa  huduma,  ametenda  kosa.” alisema.

Hivyo, aliongeza kuwa ni muhimu wananchi kuelewa hilo na kujiepusha kutenda makosa hayo kwani yanawanyima haki wananchi hasa wa hali ya chini kuweza kufikia malengo yao ya kupata ajira, kupata vyeo na haki zao nyengine.

“Elimu bado inahitajika na kazi ya kudhibiti vitendo hivi vya rushwa ikiwemo rushwa ya ngono sio ya ZAECA pekee bali inahitaji ushiriki wa kila taasisi hasa ukizingatia kuwa kinga ni bora kuliko tiba”alisema.

Akizungumza katika kikao maalumu kilichowahusisha  wadau wa masuala ya wanawake na uongozi, Mkurugenzi wa Chama cha Waandishi wa Habari Wanawake Tanzania,Zanzibar - TAMWA ZNZ, Dk Mzuri Issa amesema wanawake na wasichana wanakabiliwa na changamoto kubwa katika kufikia ndoto zao za kimaendeleo ikiwemo rushwa ya ngono na hawana pahali maalum wanapoweza kukimbilia.

Dk Mzuri alisema kuwa kuanzishwa kwa sheria mpya ya ZAECA kutafungua ukurasa mpya katika mapambano ya rushwa hasa ya ngono katika nafasi za kazi za kitaifa na za kisiasa na hasa kuelekea katika uchaguzi mkuu wa mwaka 2025.

Mkurugenzi wa ZAFELA Jamila Mahmoud, alisema ni vyema elimu ya rushwa ya ngono kutolewa tokea katika ngazi ya chini ikiwemo kwa wanafunzi mashuleni ili kujua madhara yake na endapo vitendo hivyo vitatokea kuripotiwa katika sehemu husika na watuhumiwa kuchukuliwa hatua.




            ZAECA Aims to Eliminate Sexual Corruption

The presence of stringent laws, empowering the Zanzibar Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Authority (ZAECA) to investigate all forms of corruption, including sexual corruption within both governmental and non-governmental institutions, and providing adequate protection for witnesses and whistleblowers, will aid in reporting such offenses to this agency.

These sentiments were expressed during a special meeting involving ZAECA, the Zanzibar Female Lawyers Association (ZAFELA), and Tanzania Media Women’s Association, Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ).

Mr Bakar Hassan, the Director of Prevention at ZAECA, stated that the Zanzibar Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act No. 5 of 2023, specifically in Section 52, condemn sexual corruption for obtaining or withholding services. He said offenders can face imprisonment for a term of not less than seven years but not more than ten years with a fine of not less than Fifteen Million Tanzanian Shillings but not more than Twenty Million Tanzanian shillings.

Furthermore, Hassan emphasized that ZAECA is committed to providing education to ensure awareness of this law among citizens. He highlighted the authority's significant powers to handle such cases with utmost confidentiality. The law also imposes penalties on officials who violate ethical standards in the course of their duties. Quoting Section 52(1), Hassan said, "A person who, by any means, solicits, accepts, or promises a given favor of sexual nature or subjects to another person to such favor or accepts a promise thereof in order to render or omit the service, commits an offence”, he said.

He stressed the importance of public understanding and avoidance of such offenses, as they deprive individuals, especially those in vulnerable positions, of their rights to employment, promotions, and other entitlements.

"Education is still needed, and the task of curbing these acts of corruption, including sexual corruption, is not solely ZAECA's responsibility but requires the participation of every institution, given that prevention is better than cure," he added.

Speaking at the meeting, Dr. Mzuri Issa, the Director of the Tanzania Media Women’s Association, Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ), highlighted the significant challenges faced by women and girls in achieving their development aspirations, including sexual corruption, without specific recourse.

Dr. Mzuri noted that the introduction of the new ZAECA law would open a new chapter in the fight against corruption, particularly sexual corruption in national and political workplaces, especially as the country approaches the 2025 general elections.

Ms Jamila Mahmoud, the Director of ZAFELA, emphasized the importance of providing education on sexual corruption, starting from the grassroots level, including schools. She said this is crucial to understanding the consequences, and any incidents should be reported promptly to the relevant authorities for appropriate action against the perpetrators.





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